Get your local weather in style with PowerApps and the MSN Weather connector. Features include:
- Current local weather
- Auto-refresh
- Humidity
- Temperature
- UV Index
- Air pressure
- Dark theme
- Google Maps as a parametized component to the application (API key needed)
What's left to do:
1. Add a component or componentized gallery to deal with sky conditions
2. Additional local weather parameters
3. Reverse Geo-code (would be super nice to have)
Hi there!
I really like your PowerWeather application.
I'm developing a travel website in WordPress and wondered if it would be possible to implement a similar PowerApp. With some customization, this would be a great time-saver for me and a cool way for visitors to see local weather information at their destinations.
If this is feasible, I'd be super grateful for any tips or guidance you could offer on how to implement it.