08-05-2020 10:27 AM
(Updated 9/9/2020)
Hi Team,
We’re delighted to announce v1.1 of the Power Platform Return to the workplace solution. We’ve heard your feedback and incorporated many of the requirements our customers have been asking for with this release. The new solution will be released on AppSource today. Summary is here but please also see below for more details.
APSOURCE REL 1.1 links
Power BI
Location Readiness Dashboard
Workplace Care Management Dashboard
Facility Management Dashboard
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Reopen responsibly, monitor intelligently, and protect continuously with solutions for a safer work environment. Equip facility managers and task force leaders to make informed decisions to safely reopen locations. Empower employees to return confidently with self-service tools for working safely and productively. Help health and safety leaders ensure the care and well-being of your workforce.
Learn more about the solution , watch the video and read the documentation to understand capabilities and working with the solution.
Thanks, that worked. There was about 6 or so anonymous sources, I made them all public.
Is there any way to customize the COVID-19 data displayed in the Power BI report? Clients asking for data from particular regions.. currently the report shows country wise COVID-19 statistics and Only USA have state wise data..
Hi @narpad
I am trying to deploy this solution for my organization but I am stuck when trying to connect to data in PBI. I am an admin in Powerapps platform, but when adding url I get an error. Any idea what could have caused that? Thanks!!
Here I am getting blank authentication method, there is nothing in the dropdown so I am not able to move forward. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Could you check to see the user-account you are using in Power-BI is an user in the CDS org you are trying to connect to? Please also make sure the user-account had the below role.
@alexanderz Positive for both. The user is marked as system admin and I marked cds user as well just to make sure. When trying to connect to that same CDS through PBI Desktop I also got this error:
Almost seems that these are related. Thanks!!
Thanks for getting back. Can you confirm if you used the same user account (in CDS) to install PBI template app (Facility management or Location Readiness)? Please also list the steps you followed.
@alexanderz So Global IT have completed step 1 - 3 up to the connect data sources portion. They have made me admin of the CDS environment/PowerApps and owner / admin of the Facility Management and Location Readiness PBI Workspaces. From here I downloaded the PBI template apps and trying to connect to data sources. Hope that helps! Thank you for getting back
Looks like you are using http:// prefix for your CDS org. Can you change this to https:// The format should be (as mentioned in the docs)
Can you update CDS url and see if it resolves the issue?
I'm having difficulty with Step 5. SubSteps 5.4 and 5.5 could use more detail to make this easier. From the "embed PowerBI report" link, it mentions replacing PowerBIReportID and TitleUrl to match your environment. I assume this needs to match our facility manager Power BI dashboard IDs/URLs. However, I'm at a loss to capture that info. Any assistance/elaboration on this step 5 would be appreciated.