Thanks again from the whole team to all participants who shared their amazing designs in our cross-community ‘Better Together’ T-shirt design contest. We had a hard time choosing the winner from the finalists, but the wait is finally over, and the winner is… *drumroll* 🥁…
jKell from the Power Apps Community! jKell’s design ‘Better together | Super hero landing’ impressed us the most. Without further ado, here it is:
Just look at the ingenius use of the brand colors! Below is the T-shirt mockup created, based on the design:
Congratulations, jKell! Your T-shirt was chosen to be printed and worn during the May 6th Microsoft Business Applications Submit online event. Wonder what inspired him to create the T-shirt and who jKell is? Read it in his own words:
"What was my concept?
Growing up, I watched tv shows where a team of heroes with a single power could unite and have even greater power. My drawing is playing off of that concept where each application within the PowerApps suite does amazing things, but together they do even more.
Who am I?
My name is Joel Kellner. I am an artist who loves to transform ideas into visual creations. I play with code, video, photos, vector drawings, and sketches to capture a thought and make it whole. God has made me a visual thinker who can find patterns and organize information into engaging graphics. I have worked as freelance Graphic Designer, Art Director at youth sporting event t-shirt company, Instructional Designer at a healthcare organization and currently am e-Learning Manager at Adventist Health. It brings me great joy to draw and share my ideas with others. I am humbled by this recognition."
Give it up for all the awesome contest participants in the comments below.