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Host Objects in PowerApps Canvas app

  • Login to
  • Create a new Canvas App
  • Add labels and text box controls by navigating to insert menu.
  • DeviKrishna_0-1688482655181.pngDeviKrishna_0-1688482770221.png

    Navigate to Text property of BAtxtinput field and type Host.BrowserAgent as value.

  • DeviKrishna_1-1688482811505.png

    Navigate to Text property of OSTypetxtinput field and type Host.OSType as value.

  • DeviKrishna_2-1688482852082.png

    Navigate to Text property of SessionIDtxtinput field and type Host.SessionID as value.

  • DeviKrishna_3-1688482889802.png

    Navigate to Text property of TenantIDtxtInput field and type Host.TenantID as value.

  • DeviKrishna_4-1688482941363.png

    This way we learnt to use host objects in Canvas App.