Get email alerts with direct links to the flow run any time your flow fails by adding this set of actions to the end of your flow.
Either download the template attached to this post & copy the Scope in the template, or copy the Scope action's code, navigate to the My clipboard tab on a new action and press Cntrl + V to get this Scope as a new action option.
Scope Code To Copy & Paste Into Your Flow
{"id":"fd3dfdb1-5fc7-4bb4-b830-978bffcb68b9","brandColor":"#8C3900","connectionReferences":{"shared_office365users":{"connection":{"id":"/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_office365users/connections/4492902ae6154e088865fbb98252807a"}},"shared_office365":{"connection":{"id":"/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_office365/connections/shared-office365-02d46624-0d5c-40fe-89f0-c5df-8c7ffde7"}}},"connectorDisplayName":"Control","icon":"","isTrigger":false,"operationName":"Scope_Failure_Notifications","operationDefinition":{"type":"Scope","actions":{"Compose_Flow_run_link":{"type":"Compose","inputs":"@concat('', workflow()?['tags']?['environmentName'], '/flows/', workflow()?['name'], '/runs/', workflow()?['run']['name'])","runAfter":{},"metadata":{"operationMetadataId":"304e2c8e-c6d8-4bd0-ac4d-57951dd57763"}},"Get_my_profile_(V2)":{"type":"OpenApiConnection","inputs":{"host":{"connectionName":"shared_office365users","operationId":"MyProfile_V2","apiId":"/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_office365users"},"parameters":{},"authentication":{"type":"Raw","value":"@json(decodeBase64(triggerOutputs().headers['X-MS-APIM-Tokens']))['$ConnectionKey']"}},"runAfter":{"Compose_Flow_run_link":["Succeeded"]},"metadata":{"operationMetadataId":"16453b92-e67e-40aa-acf4-fbd90183a4f0"}},"Send_an_email_(V2)_Failure_notification":{"type":"OpenApiConnection","inputs":{"host":{"connectionName":"shared_office365","operationId":"SendEmailV2","apiId":"/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_office365"},"parameters":{"emailMessage/To":"@outputs('Get_my_profile_(V2)')?['body/mail']","emailMessage/Subject":"Your @{workflow()?['tags']?['flowDisplayName']} flow failed","emailMessage/Body":"<p>Check your flow.<br>\n<br>\n<a href=\"@{outputs('Compose_Flow_run_link')}\">Flow Run Link</a> </p>"},"authentication":{"type":"Raw","value":"@json(decodeBase64(triggerOutputs().headers['X-MS-APIM-Tokens']))['$ConnectionKey']"}},"runAfter":{"Get_my_profile_(V2)":["Succeeded"]},"metadata":{"operationMetadataId":"bd4b39c2-3462-4a00-b21d-d8ac056f00d2"}},"Terminate_Mark_flow_run_failure":{"metadata":{"operationMetadataId":"c3050a38-c258-4145-b3fa-4d5e80d70b67"},"type":"Terminate","inputs":{"runStatus":"Failed"},"runAfter":{"Send_an_email_(V2)_Failure_notification":["Succeeded"]}}},"runAfter":{"Compose_(All_Your_Flow_Actions_Here)":["Failed","Skipped","TimedOut"]},"description":"Set this Scope's Configure run after settings to \"has failed\", \"is skipped\", and \"has timed out\".","metadata":{"operationMetadataId":"072e1b99-2b98-4cdc-bb50-f9ef10d9a137"}}}
I would think you could somehow set the timeout policy for any potentially long-running actions to some set amount like PT1H. Then those would time-out & trigger the failure notification. But when I tried testing that it didn't really work as intended.
If like me, you can't figure out anything with the built-in action timeout policies, then a more definite work-around is to create a parallel branch at the start of the flow, set a Delay action with your desired time-out limit, then add a copy of the failure notification scope below that (This time with the Run after set to "On Success"). Then that will trigger the notification & flow termination if the flow runs longer than you want.
EDIT: As Wayne says below, you will also need to add a Terminate set to “Success” at the end of the other branch with all your regular flow actions.
Your parallel branch will always run and send a failure notification unless you put a Terminate with success at the end of your left hand side branch.
Thanks so much I will try that.
Great point. I will add that as well.
Thanks a lot for the tip on this thread.
I have several places in my flow where I have defined timeouts. I am trying to figure out how to only get notified about the flow's failure and not timeouts. All of my flow's logic is contained in a scope. Just after the scope are the actions to notify me if the flow fails.
I have configured the run-after to only occur if the scope fails. However, for some reason, if any action within the scope times out, the scope shows as failed.
How do I setup the flow such that I only get notification if the flow actually fails and not when it times out?
You’ll want to do something like initialize a variable & after each action you want to allow a timeout, create a parallel branch to Set the variable to True. Set that branch & action to only run on a timeout.
Then in the Flow Failure Notifications Scope, you can put all the actions in a Condition to only run when that variable does not equal True.
I was going to ask this very same question. Thanks.