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I am a software engineer who studied philosophy (dual degrees).I coach chess.I was born on an island in Polynesia. Education and qualifications:UBC B.A. in Philosophy, (Bachelor’s of Arts), UBC B.A.Sc. in Computer Engineering program, Software Engineering specialization (Bachelor’s of Applied Science). Experience: Five months volunteering with Writer’s Exchange Vancouver. Teaching English and learning Mandarin in China (four months, Hunan Fuyue Foreign Language College 湖南富岳外国语专修学院). Teaching chess as independent chess coach since 2010. Canadian ELO rating 1900. Notable accomplishments: Moorpark Community College Dean's List for four semesters consecutively. Multiple medals (gold, silver, bronze) in public speaking tournaments in 2004-2005 at Moorpark Community College. 2005 Bronze medalist in impromptu public speaking at Phi Rho Pi (National Junior and Community College Forensic Association and Honor Society) national tournament for community colleges. UBC Dean’s List recognition of excellence for two semesters.