04-23-2020 10:09 AM
Power Apps Canvas Modal Dialog (Popup)
If you don't feel like reading the installation instructions below, you can watch these videos to get up and running:
Click here to get started with component in 5 minutes
Click here to install component using component libraries
Quick Video Teaser
Below is a quick teaser to show how the button clicks and information entered into the component are recorded and used in the Power App.
One of the very frequent use cases in any application environment, is the ability to present the user with a dialog or popup to either display information or collect information.
Previously this is done by placing various controls onto the screen and spending a significant amount of time styling these, and adding functionality to try and simulate a popup. This unfortunately present a few challenges:
The new modal dialog component can be used to create a popup function in your Power Apps, without recreating all the logic from scratch for every popup and every app. These are some of the advantages of being able to use generic popup functionality:
* A special thank you to Sancho Harker and Todd Baginski for their input and efforts.
** This component is created by the community for the community, so please feel free to let any of us know if you have any questions or suggestions to make it better, for everyone to benefit from it.
*** We will be using the terms Dialog and Popup interchangeably in the documentation 😀
Popup Types:
The component supports the following popup types:
The concept:
Below is an example of how the popup would work:
Installation Steps (Without using component library):
Step 1 - Download the Canvas Modal Dialog zip file attached at the bottom of this article.
Step 2 - Import the zipped package into your Power Apps development environment. Change the Import Type to 'Create as new' next to the 'DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog' application and click on import. This will allow you to Insert the Modal Dialog component into the application or component library where you would like to use it in that environment. If you are familiar with component libraries, we would definitely recommend using this method to deploy the modal dialog to your apps. Please see the set of instructions below this one on how to use component libraries.
Step 3 - Open the PowerApps application where you want to start using the modal dialog in. Under the components tab, Right-click on the new component command and select Import components. Choose the 'DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog' application that you created in Step 2 to import the component from.
Step 4 - The app will now request your permission to use the Office 365 User connector, please click on Allow. The cmpModalDialog component will now be visible under your components.
Step 5 - Expand the cmpModalDialog component and copy the tglDialogResponseTrigger trigger from the component to the main app.
Step 6 - Currently toggles in components don't trigger in apps, but by default the toggle in the component is disabled just in case Power Apps ever enable toggles to trigger in components, so that you don't end up with actions firing in your apps without knowing where they come from. To enable to toggle in the main app, replace the 'false' in the Default property with the following code after copying the toggle control to the main app:
Step 7 - Copy the btnExamplePopupInstruction button(s) from the component to the main app.
Step 8 - Insert the component onto the required screen(s) into the main app by going to Insert=>Custom=>cmpModalDialog. If you would like to use the dialog on different screens, you have to add it to each of those screens.
Step 9 - The component should be in front of all controls on the screen to allow it to automatically make the other controls inactive when it is being displayed. Right-click on the component in the application, and click on Reorder=>Bring to front.
Step 10 - Set the component Visible property to the following:
// //
// The dialog should only be visable if one of these three collections is not exmpty. If you are //
// not familar with the colFunctionQueue pattern yet, this will be introduced later, but please //
// also include this in the visible property of the component //
// //
!IsEmpty(colDialogInstructions) || !IsEmpty(colDialogResponses) || !IsBlank(Last(Filter(colFunctionQueue,functionActive)).action)
Step 11 - Restart the app (in the designer studio) for all the toggles to register on app events.
Step 12 - Preview the app and click on the btnExamplePopupInstruction button that was copied to the main app on step 7 above. You should see the popup on the screen. Well done 😎
Step 13 - If the popup is successful on step 12 above, you can now explore the different popup and input types by changing the type and inputType properties that are passed to the dialog in the colDialogInstructions collection. The various buttons on the demo screen of the DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog app can be used to check the various properties and combinations that can be used, but at the bottom of this article you will find a list of all the properties and their responses.
Installation Steps (Using component library):
Step 1 - Download the Canvas Modal Dialog zip file attached at the bottom of this article.
Step 2 - Import the zipped package into your Power Apps development environment. Change the Import Type to 'Create as new' next to the 'DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog' application and click on import. You can also want to add the version number after the app name if you would like to keep previous versions. This will allow you to Insert the Modal Dialog component into the application or component library where you would like to use it in that environment. We definitely would recommend using this method to deploy the modal dialog to your apps.
Step 3 - Create a new component library or open an existing one where you want to import he modal dialog into. Under the components tab, click on the three ellipses next to the new component command and select Import components. Choose the 'DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog' application that you created in Step 2 to import the component from.
Step 4 - The library will now request your permission to use the Office 365 User connector, please click on Allow. The cmpModalDialog component will now be visible under the components tab in the library.
Step 5 - If you created a new component library, you can remove the default component called Component1.
Step 6 - Expand the cmpModalDialog component and copy the tglDialogResponseTrigger toggle and the btnExamplePopupInstruction button. These can be pasted into the app where you would like to use the popup.
Step 7 - Save and publish the component library.
Step 8 - Open the app that you would like to use the popup in, or create a new app.
Step 9 - Make sure that the screen where you would like to add the component to, is selected. To add the component to the app, you have to use the + (Insert) action on the toolbar menu on the left. When you select Get more components you can pick the component from the component library that you used in the previous steps. This will add the component to the app, but you still have to add it to the screen by selecting it under library components after adding it to the app.
Step 10 - Go to the screen that you had selected and paste the button and toggle that you copied during step 6 above. If you don't have access to the component design for some reason, you can create a toggle and button manually for testing (You can name the toggle or button anything that fits into your naming convention):
Toggle.Default =
// //
// If there are responseActions that are received from the dialog, then this toggle should fire //
// to execute the code in the OnCheck event of this control //
// //
//REMOVE THE 'false' BELOW AND REPLACE WITH THIS==> !IsEmpty(colDialogResponses)
Toggle.OnCheck =
// //
// This toggle control triggers on the colDialogResponses collection and is used to //
// action responses from the model dialog. As part of the object that is 'sent' to the //
// modal dialog, we include a responseAction property which identifies the action to take place //
// if the user selects an option or selects an item from the drop down. This responseAction can //
// then be tracked by this toggle to initiate certain code or functions. If the responseAction //
// doesn't contain a value, then we don't have to do anything. //
// //
// For more information about the popup, please go to aka.ms/powerapps-popup //
// //
// START: Function Initiation (NO modification required) //
//Get a handle on the response object that caused this toggle to trigger
// Send trace information of debug is enabled //
/*--Dawid van Heerden-V14-2020/05/24: Workaround to remove the image from the pen input from the response before sending it to the trace because images are not supported in trace*/
"cmpPopup Response received",
// END: Function Initiation (NO modification required) //
// START: Actions (Modify as per business requirement) //
// -Here we use a switch statement to determine which responseAction was 'sent' to the dialog, //
// and what should happen when then user clicks on Yes or selects an option from the drop down //
//The trigger will only action something if a responseAction value was sent to the dialog
//The below examples are added to show the different ways that data is retrieved based on the type of input that was specified in the popup instruction
"Get Text Value",
"Get Text Array Value(s)",
"Get Office365Users Selected Value(s)",
"Get Rating Value",
"Get Slider Value",
"Get Pen Input Value",
"Get Pen Input Value in Base64",
// END: Actions (Modify as per ber business requirement) //
// Send trace information of debug is enabled //
/*--Dawid van Heerden-V14-2020/05/24: Workaround to remove the image from the pen input from the response before sending it to the trace because images are not supported in trace*/
"cmpPopup Response actioned",
// Remove the response that was received from the dialog //
// This section can be ignore, but not deleted. It is required to set variables in the app //
// that the component might need. //
false,//This will obviously never set the variable and just sets the variable schema
Button.OnSelect =
// //
// For more information on how to structure the instruction to the popup as well as the response //
// that it will be sending back please refer to: //
// https://aka.ms/powerapps-popup //
// //
// -- Generic Popup Info -- //
type: "Ok",
inputType: Blank(),
message: "Congratulations with installing your brand new Modal Dialog Component into your first app. You are a rock star! If you agree, click on Ok below.",
source: "ThisButton",
iconType: Icon.Information,
iconColor: ColorValue("#712773"),
// -- Input Type Configuration (REQUIRED if type = "input") -- //
configTextInput: {
default: "Default Value",
hintText: "Check this out"
configTextArray: {
tooltip: "Please choose one of these options",
arrayList: [
"Power Apps Rocks",
"Power Apps is the best"
defaultValue: "Power Apps Rocks",
allowMultipleSelect: false
configOffice365Users: {
tooltip: "Please select one of the users in you address list",
allowMultipleSelect: false
configRating: {
default: 0,
tooltip: "Please rate the component from 1 to 5",
max: 5,
showValue: true
configSlider: {
default: 0,
tooltip: "How many times did you struggle during this installation",
min: 1,
max: 10,
showValue: true
configPenInput: {
tooltip:"Give us your million dollar signature",
showControls: true
// -- Link Information (OPTIONAL) -- //
link: {
label: "More Cool Info",
url: "https://aka.ms/powerapps-popup",
tooltip: "Please check out more information about the modal dialog component"
// -- Response Section. (REQUIRED if you want to trigger an action) -- //
responseAction: "",
originalFunctionRequestID: Blank()
Step 11 - Currently toggles in components don't trigger in apps, but by default the toggle in the component is disabled just in case Power Apps ever enable toggles to trigger in components, so that you don't end up with actions firing in your apps without knowing where they come from. To enable to toggle in the main app, replace the 'false' in the Default property with the following code after copying the toggle control to the main app:
Step 12 - The component should be in front of all controls on the screen to allow it to automatically make the other controls inactive when it is being displayed. Right-click on the component on the application screen(s), and click on Reorder=>Bring to front.
Step 13 - Set the component Visible property to the following:
// //
// The dialog should only be visable if one of these three collections is not exmpty. If you are //
// not familar with the colFunctionQueue pattern yet, this will be introduced later, but please //
// also include this in the visible property of the component //
// //
!IsEmpty(colDialogInstructions) || !IsEmpty(colDialogResponses) || !IsBlank(Last(Filter(colFunctionQueue,functionActive)).action)
Step 14 - Restart the app (in the designer studio) for all the toggles to register on app events.
Step 15 - Preview the app and click on the btnExamplePopupInstruction (or what ever you called your button) button that was copied to the main app on step 7 above. You should see the popup on the screen. Well done 😎
Step 16 - If the popup is successful on step 15 above, you can now explore the different popup and input types by changing the type and inputType properties that are passed to the dialog in the colDialogInstructions collection. The various buttons on the demo screen of the DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog app can be used to check the various properties and combinations that can be used, but at the bottom of this article you will find a list of all the properties and their responses.
Feedback & Suggestions:
This component is created by the community for the community, so please feel free to let any of us know if you have any questions or suggestions to make it better, for everyone to benefit from it. We will soon community a more formal feedback channel, but for now, please just reply to this article with comments, questions or suggestions.
Known Issues:
Popup Instructions:
The various buttons on the demo screen of the DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog app can be used to check the various properties and combinations that can be used, but here is a full list. You can copy and paste the input configuration section that you require for your popup.
// //
// The following object is 'sent' to the colDialogInstructions collection in order to invoke the //
// modal dialog. //
// //
// CODE START==> //
/* Collect(
// -- Generic Popup Info -- //
type: "Ok",
inputType: Blank(),
message: "Message to display to the user.",
source: "TheSourceButton",
iconType: Icon.Information,
iconColor: Color.OrangeRed,
// -- Input Type Configuration (REQUIRED if type = "input") -- //
// -- Link Information (OPTIONAL) -- //
// -- Response Section. (REQUIRED if you want to tglDialogResponseTrigger to perform
an action after the popup) -- //
responseAction: "ActionToPerform"
) <== CODE END //
*/ //
// See below descriptions of the properties in the popup instruction: //
// type: The type of popup that should be presented to the user. //
// This will cause the correct controls and buttons to become available //
// in the component: //
// "OK" //Simple information box with a message and an OK button //
// "YesNo" //Request confirmation from the user with the options to //
// click on Yes or No //
// //
// "YesNoCancel" //Request confirmation from the user with the options //
// to click on Yes, No, or Cancel. This might be used for a //
// prompt that might ask if the user would also like to publish //
// a document whilesaving it. Cancelling it would also result in //
// the save being cancelled //
// //
// "Input" //Allows input from the user to either either enter free text //
// or select a value from a drop down box //
// //
// inputType: //If the popup type is input, you can specify one of the //
// the following inputTypes: //
// "TextInput" //Free text input //
// //
// "TextArray" //Array of text values //
// that the user can select from //
// in drop down //
// //
// "Office365Users" //People picker using the Office365Users as //
// datasource //
// //
// "Rating" //Star rating selection of a value between two numbers //
// //
// "Slider" //Slider selection of a value between two numbers //
// //
// "PenInput" //Pen Input for signature and drawings //
// //
// message: //The message to be displayed to the user //
// //
// source: //The control or function that is calling the modal dialog //
// for logging or diagnostic purposes //
// //
// iconType: //Icon to display in the popup //
// //
// iconColor: //Icon color for the popup. Different colors can be //
// used to differentiate between information, warning or //
// error messages //
// //
// Config Section //The following config sections should be used to configure //
// the input controls for the required inputType. //
// These properties should be added to the --Input Type-- //
// Configuration section of the code. //
// //
/* configTextInput: {
default: "Test",
hintText: "Check this out",
tooltip: "Please supply name"
}, <== CODE END
/* configTextArray: {
tooltip:"Please give us the name",
arrayList: ["Donald","Mickey"],
defaultValue: "Donald",
allowMultipleSelect: false
}, <== CODE END
/* configOffice365Users: {
tooltip: "Please give us the name",
allowMultipleSelect: false
}, <== CODE END
/* configRating: {
tooltip:"Select a rating from one to 5",
max: 5,
showValue: true
}, <== CODE END
/* configSlider: {
tooltip:"Select a rating from 1 to 10",
min: 1,
max: 10,
showValue: true
}, <== CODE END
/* configPenInput: {
tooltip:"Give us your million dollar signature",
showControls: true
}, <== CODE END
*/ //
// Link Section //Links can be passed to the dialog for knowledge basis, wikis, //
// or help videos. The link object should be added to the //
// --Link Inforation--- section //
// //
/* link: {
label: "More Info",
url: "https://powerusers.microsoft.com",
toolip: "Check out more information about Power Apps"
}, <== CODE END
*/ //
// Response Section //REQUIRED if you want to tglDialogResponseTrigger to perform //
// an action after the popup. This is the property that will //
// be evaluated by the toggle to determine which action to //
// perform as part of the Switch function //
// //
// responseAction: "ResonseActionName"
// //
// //
Popup Responses:
The glDialogResponseTrigger toggle control triggers on the colDialogResponses collection and is used to action responses from the model dialog. As part of the object that is 'sent' to the modal dialog, we include a responseAction property which identifies the action to take place if the user selects an option or selects an item from the drop down. This responseAction can then be tracked by this toggle to initiate certain code or functions. If the responseAction doesn't contain a value, then we don't have to do anything.
The tglDialogResponseTrigger on the demo screen of the DEV-Canvas Power App Modal Dialog app (or in the component) can be used to check the various properties that are returned from the popup, but here is a full list.
//The trigger will only action something if a responseAction value was sent to the dialog
//The below examples are added to show the different ways that data is retrieved based on the type of input that was specified in the popup instruction
"Get Text Value",
"Get Text Array Value(s)",
"Get Office365Users Selected Value(s)",
"Get Rating Value",
"Get Slider Value",
"Get Pen Input Value",
"Get Pen Input Value in Base64",
Very good Component and very cleanly documented!
You say we should comment here for suggestions, feedback etc. - I would love to have this component in a public GitHub repo so I can send pull requests, fork it and open issues about it. I have several ideas to make this component even better and would love to give back. Off the top of my head I would love to help some features such as:
Hi Dennis, thank you so much for your awesome feedback.
Absolutely, the GitHub repo should be up in the next day or two!
I love your ideas and it would be great to implement these. The component does currently have a Theme input parameter that you can use to change some colors in the component, but this can definitely be enhanced.
To component is designed in such a way that adding more types is quite easy. The last ones we added were rating and slider and it didn't take long at all. Other ideas we are working on is a pen input, and also to have the component able to display images, pdf and html. By doing this, if you just want to present the user with a document quick, you don't have to worry about building other screens and controls etc etc etc.
Dawid van Heerden
Follow on Twitter: @DavesTechTips
Subscribe to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/davestechtips?sub_confirmation=1
This component is massive and will be huge for moving Power Apps development forward. Thank you to everyone involved in this development. If not already covered somewhere ( maybe I missed it ), I would like to know how to place several buttons on a single screen, for cases where you may have multiple dialog boxes. It seems that multiple buttons on a single screen clears the collection of the responseData. If a second video comes out, perhaps spending more time on the responseActions and responseData areas would be most beneficial. Thanks again.
Thank you very much for the great feedback @gilmara. Correct, you can have multiple buttons on one screen to call the popup and it will replace the responseData. Use the Toggle.OnCheck to fire off code to use the responseData and write that into other data sources or variables, to make it 'permanent' in the logic.
We will definitely go into the responses in a lot more detail in the next videos.
Dawid van Heerden
Follow on Twitter: @davestechtips
Subscribe to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/davestechtips?sub_confirmation=1
Looks amazing!
Just installed this and I noticed this app requires a premium license; apparently it uses CDS somewhere. Is that optional? Our org only has standard license...
Following up on this... I deleted the CDS datasource for fun. It still seems to run fine and is showing 'Standard' license now. Not sure where that's used in the app and what I broke, but the stuff I'm using in the app still works.
Also in the component, I updated combobox mdInput365Users.SearchFields to:
But that brings me to the next question... how would I update this component from your original source? So right now, you've released version V.010. Let's say you make some updates and release V.012. Is there any way I can get the new version without deleting everything and starting from scratch?
Hi @mlittle
Thank you very much for the feedback. The CDS Account Entity shouldn't have been there, we have removed it now. Thanks for picking this up 😉
If the component hasn't modified in the app, then to update would be simply to import the new component version and to add it to the required screens.
I would suggest that you use a component library to store all your components as this would make the updates a lot easier!
Have a great day.
Great stuff on pop-up. Previously I had created a pop-up on my own using labels and button and it was a headache to do many things! I am trying to use Yes and No functionality in the pop-up. On Selection of "Yes" it should SET some variables based on selected screen values for e.g. Set(selectedEmail, Emailfield.Text), etc and then navigate to a different screen to show the result. On selecting "No" the pop-up should just close down. Any ideas how to achieve this? Thanks, AKB
Define your actions in the toggle's OnCheck. If you look at it, you'll see a section that starts with this comment:
// START: Actions (Modify as per business requirement)
There's a switch statement that evaluates the responseAction. Create a new section in here with some human-readable name which kinda acts like a function name. Here's an example inserted after the built-in slider button action. I called it "Get Value and Navigate".
"Get Slider Value",
"Get Value and Navigate",
Set(selectedEmail, varDialogResponse.responseData.office365users);
Navigate("Some Screen");
Then to execute this "function", copy the button from the app (or if you already did that just use the one you have). In its OnSelect, there's a line to define the action. Give it the same name as you defined in the toggle above.
// -- Response Section. (REQUIRED if you want to trigger an action) -- //
responseAction: "Get Value and Navigate",
...and when the button is pushed, that's what it'll do if the popup collects responses. If the 'No' button is pushed, nothing is collected so the "function" won't execute.