I've created a flyout menu which is very easy to configure and reuse in your apps.
Just 3 steps:
**Data Source = collection or a table
Title: "Home",
MenuIcon: Home,
Screen: Screen1
Title: "Appointments",
MenuIcon: AddToCalendar,
Screen: Screen2
**Show Menu = locShowMenu
**Left Side Flyout = true (if you would like the menu to fly in/out from left. else set it to false to make it a right side flying menu
This flyout menu started acting very weird lately. I have it working in 1 apps, was working in a 2nd but all of sudden it stoped displaying the menu items. I completely removed it and replaced it and setup the datasource and the items returned. Then I updated app and it is not showing the menu items anymore. Does anyone else have this problem and what did you do to fix it?
I was wondering that is there way to so make this component visible by clicking another component (not using updatecontext). My goal is to make component that includes that icon-button that now brings flyoutmenu visible. Thanks!
Hola buen dia, soy nuevo con power apps me gusto bastante su aplicacion. tengo una duda al darle click en el boton para que abra el menu. como hago que al abrir el menu el fondo este en gris como se vizualiza en el gif