10-16-2019 15:19 PM
I've created a flyout menu which is very easy to configure and reuse in your apps.
Just 3 steps:
**Data Source = collection or a table
Title: "Home",
MenuIcon: Home,
Screen: Screen1
Title: "Appointments",
MenuIcon: AddToCalendar,
Screen: Screen2
**Show Menu = locShowMenu
**Left Side Flyout = true (if you would like the menu to fly in/out from left. else set it to false to make it a right side flying menu
Thank you for sharing this component. It has helped me a lot, because I just started learning powerapps a couple of weeks ago, and through this component I learned a lot. I have a question, where do you create the variable "glbMenuVisibility"? Thank you very much for your help, regards from Chile!
glad to hear that it was helpful.
the variable is set on Timers Start and End
Good day,
In your example gif you are able to search and select a patient when the menu has slided away.
How do we get this sorted.
We have added a search field as a gallary but are unable to search or select.
that is not a part of the component. you need to use the Filter function to only show records that match a certain criteria. for example EmployeeName = YourTextbox
you can learn more about the finction here
This is awesome thank you. Question, how did you get the OnSelect for the Gallery to recognize columns from the table such as MenuIcon, Title, Screen. I am attempting to add more. But I cannot get it to recognize any columns I add when creating the collection on app start.
Title: "This Page",
MenuIcon: Home,
Screen: Screen2,
ScreenAlternative: Screen3
Title: "That Page",
MenuIcon: Home,
Screen: Screen1,
ScreenAlternative: Screen3
Edit: Added example
Maybe, it´s because you´re using a Collection instead of using a table Object in your data source, like the flyout menu example. Try using Table object, maybe it works 🙂
Regards from Chile!
This is great post. Very easy to implement. I have a slight problem however looks like the opacity of my flyout menu is low as a result my main screen elements are overlapping my content in the flyout menu. How do i fix this.