02-25-2021 16:07 PM - last edited 02-25-2021 16:07 PM
I've created a flyout menu which is very easy to configure and reuse in your apps.
Just 3 steps:
**Data Source = collection or a table
Title: "Home",
MenuIcon: Home,
Screen: Screen1
Title: "Appointments",
MenuIcon: AddToCalendar,
Screen: Screen2
**Show Menu = locShowMenu
**Left Side Flyout = true (if you would like the menu to fly in/out from left. else set it to false to make it a right side flying menu
Hello, I really like your app and plan to use it in many future app. I was wondering if there is way to change the screen transition? Right now, I believe it’s a cover right but with the menu and screen movement it’s a little jarring to the eyes. Would it be possible to change it to Fade?
Having the same issue here, have you found a solution yet?
Thanks for you anwser, It helped me fix the problem! What a weird issue... I had to put 'dummy' data in the components datasource with the same signature of the data I used to push in, and then set the datasource again on the screens side.
ok, this is weird but it worked and it removed the problem I had in a previous app that was using this component.
Screen vs screen
I assume Screen is a reserved word now, or that changed recently. When I changed the structure of the collection to have a lowercase s, the error about an expected different collection went away
Example 1 with a variable
Title: "LOGOUT",
MenuIcon: Airplane,
screen: SplashScreen //This is what I changed screen from Screen.
Title: "Virtual Board",
MenuIcon: Home,
screen: VirtualBoard //This is what I changed screen from Screen.
Same way with a collection
Title: "LOGOUT",
Icon: Airplane,
screen: scr_SPLASH
Title: "HOME",
Icon: Home,
screen: scr_HOME
Icon: LogJournal,
screen: scr_REQUEST
Icon: Icon.Draw,
screen: scr_BACKENTER
Icon: People,
screen: scr_NOMINATE
Icon: DetailList,
screen: scr_REVIEW
Icon: Newspaper,
screen: scr_VIEW_SCHEDULE
Title: "Experiment",
Icon: Clock,
screen: scr_3DaySchedule
Icon: Icon.Erase,
screen: scr_EDIT_NOM
Title: "CONTACTS",
Icon: Icon.People,
screen: scr_CONTACTS
Title: "ADMIN",
Icon: Settings,
screen: scr_ADMIN
Title: "HELP",
Icon: Waypoint,
screen: scr_HELP
Not sure what screen target error is - post an error message that you see.
Is the menuIcon control in the component fixed. that was supposed to be ThisItem.MenuIcon.
Note the capitalization as it matters. Everything must match.
Is ok, I found the issue already, in the onselect you need to change Screen to screen manual too.