This visual calendar began as a project to replace a a list of Holidays. The list didn't offer a calendar style view with highlighting. There was no ability to compare holidays in different places.
We needed something different.
Thanks to a video on creating a calendar from galleries by Shane Young, @Shanescows, (can be seen here: I was able to create this fantastic visual calendar.
This Calendar features:
- A full year calendar style view with highlighted days
- A 'by month' calendar style view with highlighted days
- A comparison view where calendars for up to 4 locations can be compared in a list format OR a calendar format (by month) with highlighted days
- Tooltips that show the Holiday name or for calendars where all 'regions' in a country are grouped, it displays the location for each highlighted day.
- Date functions translate based on browser language including date format (I.E. dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy).
- Dynamic display of the Holidays for the current user by auto populating the country and region fields using the O365Users connector and the country and city properties and looking up the holidays with matching information.
Some of the functions used in this app are:
- Gallery wrap count
- Sequence
- A variety of date functions
This is a fantastic and neat way to use galleries!
You can download the app and the SharePoint list template below.
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