A pixel-by-pixel implementation of Twitter's homepage in a canvas PowerApp integrating Azure's Text Analytics API to get the sentiment of each tweet in the timeline. It also features the same dark mode!
20192002 - Updated with Twitter's new UI
More info at Github
Thanks April!
It's difficult to measure how long it took to develop because I worked on it whenever I got free time and I never thought it was ready, always kept adding more features ( I still think it can grow more ).
I guess it could be a two or three of continuous work? ( give or take )
weeks hehe, mainly to achieve this level of detail.
I'm not using any form controls here... just controls.
Check the GitHub repo and play with it 🙂
ahh I see what you did there. Scrollable screen!
@Eickhel @ I was trying to import this to test it out. I'm getting stuck on this import screen, was curious what im doing wrong?