03-11-2024 11:00 AM
Check out video three in our ‘Get Started With’ series, as we take a look at how you can create a canvas app using data from an Excel table in Power Apps. By uploading an Excel file to generate a Dataverse table, your intel will be stored and managed within the Power Apps ecosystem. From here you’ll be able to design an app that meets the specific requirements and objectives of your project, such as creating screens, defining user interactions, and integrating functionalities such as data visualization and workflows. Fancy giving it a try? Click the link to visit Microsoft Learn for more information on how you can create a canvas app from an Excel file today! https://aka.ms/powershorts/createcanvasapp And don’t forget you can discover more tips and resources on our Microsoft Community site, where you can connect with thousands of others just like you. Click the link below to sign up today! https://aka.ms/powershorts/joinus