Get notified about #callforspreakers twitter messages and don’t miss any request for speakers. Get notifications about Twitter messages including some hashtags, then searching on Twitter for them.
The twitter connector in Microsoft Flow can help us with this. In this example, the following process will be automated.
Searching in new tweets that including the following hashtags:
#CallForSpeakers, #MicrosoftFlow, #PowerApps
This trigger the Flow that will send a notification towards the mobile Microsoft Flow App and a second action that will create a to-do task in Microsoft To-Do with reminder and due date.
Below an overview of a view limits and restrictions, when using the Twitter connector:
The trigger will check for new tweets with hashtags and words in the tweet text message. This will trigger the flow. A variable is created to define when the tweet has been detected, this variable will be used to define the reminder and due date in the To - do a task in Microsoft To Do.
Set time to Middle European Time (this is my time zone, will be different for you)
Notification is sent to the Microsoft Flow app on the mobile phone.
The second action will create a to-do task about the Twitter search result including a reminder and due date.
The expression addDays() is used to add days to the variable "FormatTime". In Microsoft To - Do a list has been created and assigned to the 02.2. Schedule to-do action.
This easy and straightforward flow will save a lot of search time on Twitter. Like this blog post and comments or suggestions or always welcome.