05-01-2023 14:22 PM
Demo and Setup instructions for the Get Onboard PowerApp template.
Get the PowerApp here: https://web.powerapps.com
Todd, I am having trouble with this Onboarding Task Template. After utilizing Power Apps and adding myself as an "APPADMIN", I can get to the "EDIT" features such as edit company name, links and such but the data does not save. I also noted that when I created it, (I created versions for testing several times, what you note in the video around 7:50 about the correlating excel table, it never asks me for that in Power apps, when I deploy it, or anything). I can only assume that this is the reason the changes are not being saved is it does not have a location to save them.
Hi, The app is great. but I also have a problem. as an admin everything works without any problems. When the app is opened by a normal user, after get starts I briefly receive error messages (OutlookTasks.GetTasksByFolder), I see the tasks briefly, then they disappear again. the task folders are correctly created in outlook, but the actual tasks are not saved in the task folders but under my tasks. every time I open the screen the tasks are saved in my tasks and not in the task folders. someone an idea why this could be?
Did anyone ever get this working correctly? I am trying to get it to work. I can edit it, but it does not seem to add any information when I share it with my tester. all the information that should be pulled from the Excel file is not populating on the tester end.
I have seemed to get this to work if you share your Excel file from your One Drive with whoever you are adding for onboarding. If you don't know this app saves an Excel file called data.xlsx this fill keeps all your data.
hello @ToddBaginski do you know if you can create a different set of task for individuals who are in differnet departments