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About Me


Advocate I Advocate I Spain
Hi, I'm Yolanda Cuesta. I am an Economist from the University of Valladolid and I did a Master's degree in direction and management of tourist activities from the UNED, Madrid. I have been working as an economist in the accounting and tax department for more than 20 years in a large cereal marketing company, previously, in a group of companies in the private health sector at the national level. Also I work as junior developer for Creativity Spark working with all the Microsoft Power Platform tools. In addition, for sharing my knowledge I have received the recognition of Microsoft Excel MVP (Most Valuable Professional) 2014-2023; and Data Platform Microsoft MVP en 2022-2023. My courses on LinkedIn Learning: I am an online trainer in Linkedin Learning in the specialty of accounting, excel, Power Query, Pivot, business analysis and Power fx. I have created different Excel courses and Power BI add-ons (Power Query Power Pivot 3D Map and Power View) applied to use in the company. I am excited about new technologies, I contribute to their dissemination and application in different fields. In 2011 I started writing on about Excel spreadsheets, Google Drive, Calc, Numbers, and since 2016 on my own blog Excel accounting and ICT. In 2016 I obtained the award for the best blog at the 1st Digital Competitiveness Awards in 2016, organized by the magazine Castilla y León Económica. Occasionally I give training to university students, Vocational Training and companies in accounting, tax and business administration. If you are interested, you can participate in my Linkedin group "Excel, accounting and ICT" and learn more about my activity on my website
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Date Registered ‎12-22-2022 02:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-15-2024 02:30 AM
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‎07-15-2024 02:30 AM